“Our understanding of leadership can be no better than our understanding of what makes humans, all humans, tickwhat are the ultimate motivators of our behavior.” ~ Warren Bennis
Leadership is about relationships with others. You cannot lead without understanding the innate drives that are essential to human development and survival.
Decades of research have given us numerous theories about drive and motivation, to include:
Scientists have fragmented the search for the most fundamental drives that make humans tick. Every discipline has proposed a different theory that contains some truths, as viewed through the discrete lenses of:
Cultural anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Genetics, Evolutionary biology, Economics, Neurology
Perhaps the most noteworthy deduction about human behavior can be attributed to Charles Darwins scientific studies, published more than 150 years ago. In The Descent of Man (1871), the British naturalist observed that the most important distinction between humans and the lower species is our innate moral sense: our conscience.
The Four-Drive Theory
Humans have evolved to survive differently from other animals. We have endured as a species because we learned to work in groups and rely on problem-solving skills, rather than brute force, inborn physical capacities and instincts.
The late Harvard Business School Professor Paul R. Lawrence suggested that Darwins insights about human drives have largely been ignored. He proposed a theory of human behavior based on renewed Darwinism and four key drives:
We achieve an optimal state of leadership when we cultivate and consciously manage all four drives. Its not enough to be mindful of one or two of them. As Lawrence and Nohria wrote:
We would predict that those who have found ways to satisfy all four drives (at least over time) will feel more fulfilled than those who have focused on some to the exclusion of others.
Lawrence expanded his theories in Driven to Lead: Good, Bad, and Misguided Leadership (Jossey-Bass, 2010), citing contemporary brain research that supports how the four drives influence decision-making and human actions.
Survival of the Fittest Leaders
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change. ~ Charles Darwin
Theres no question that surviving the corporate jungle requires intelligence, flexibility, political savvy, and the right amounts of courage and aggressiveness. Leadership is not for sissiesnor is it for authoritarian bullies.
You must be smart and emotionally intelligent to influence people, fully engage their hearts and minds, and encourage peak performance. Leaders must understand the four drives if they want to bring out the best in others and create a thriving workplace.
Great leaders can juggle multiple priorities, while making important decisions that drive people, performance and the right organizational results. They use conscious and unconscious brain processes to form decisions in the face of uncertainty, rapid changes and conflicting motivations.
The better we can balance our four basic drives, the more successful well be at sustaining success.
Conflicting Impulses
We are hardwired to feel conflicting emotions. As leaders, we must continually assess our options and arrive at acceptable decisions.
Animals dont have this problem. After acquiring food, shelter, a mate and ways to defend themselves against threats, theyre basically set. We, on the other hand, must balance two additional drives:
These additional drives allow us to adapt better than lower animals, and they also explain why our brains are three times larger than those of our nearest primate ancestors. But the drives also make us more responsive to the environment, giving us more to react to and consider when making decisions.
We are built to work and achieve in groups: to lead and follow, to learn from each other, to trust, to protect and care for each other, to acquire what we need collectively even if we later enjoy it individually. We have evolved in this way because its a very successful means of survival.
Bad Leadership Defined
We expect the best from our leaders, but weve become inured to news reports of serious political, business and organizational failuresfrom Wall Streets historic financial meltdowns and Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme to tolerance of child abuse in religious institutions and rogue governments in countries like Zimbabwe and North Korea.
Indeed, bad leadership becomes an appalling part of the human condition when those at the top focus solely on acquiring more for themselves. These horrible bosses ignore basic human decency and others needs. They have no interest in bonding and getting along with others (unless it furthers their agenda). They spend more time covering up their crimes and misdemeanors than finding legitimate ways to succeed, exploring others ideas and taking an interest in their colleagues lives.
Good leaders take appropriate actions and make sound decisions that are not based on self-interest. They manage all four drives, recognizing that inaction and lousy decisions spring from focusing on only one or two drives, to the exclusion of others.
A Leadership Advantage
We cannot afford to be mystified by our own and others behaviors. Weve seen how destructive we can be to each other. Corporate misdeeds have a significant reach as the world becomes an increasingly global village.
Professor Lawrences theory of the four drives is universal, testable and actionable. Time will tell if it gains favor as a basis for understanding motivation and drives.
For now, gaining an understanding of these drives gives you a tremendous leadership advantage a valuable lens through which to view peoples behaviors.
I am creating some new client openings during this summer. Is this the right time for you to work with a coach? If so, you can reach me at: 949-721-5732.
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