When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it. ~ W. Clement Stone
Does your life have a clear sense of purpose?
Most people have a fundamental need to seek and find their calling in life, be it through work, hobbies or volunteer activities. While philosophers have long weighed in on the subject, it has recently come under scrutiny by researchers who seek to understand the science behind human happiness and success.
Psychologist Michael Steger and his colleagues at Colorado State University created the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) to measure the presence of meaning in our lives, as well as how much we seek to further our understanding of life’s purpose.
This five-minute test will prompt you to think about these important topics, and it can serve as the foundation for discussions with your significant relationships, mentor or coach.
The Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ)
Take a moment to think about what makes your life and existence feel important.
Using the following scale, respond to the 10 statements on the questionnaire as truthfully and accurately as possible. Keep in mind that each statement is subjective, so there is no right or wrong ratings.
Untrue | True | |
1. Absolutely untrue | 4. Can’t say if true or false | 5. Somewhat true |
2. Mostly untrue | 6. Mostly true | |
3. Somewhat untrue | 7. Absolutely true |
You can create two subscales from this measure: one for the “Presence” of meaning and the other for the “Search” for meaning.
Presence: Statements 1, 4, 5, 6 and 9 (reverse-coded)
Search: 2, 3, 7, 8 and 10
Note: There is no manual for interpreting this questionnaire. To understand it better, please contact Dr. Steger through his website: http://michaelfsteger.com/MLQ.aspx. The quiz is reproduced here solely to stimulate your thinking and facilitate a conversation with your coach or mentor.
There are no definitive methods for discovering what really matters to you, but passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose, you will normally find that it’s something about which you are tremendously passionate. You will be energetic and experience positive emotions.
In reviewing your life, you’ll find that you have already invested considerable time and effort in pursuit of what really matters to you. Responsibilities to others, however, often sidetrack and distract us from focusing on our core purpose, which may evolve over time. Look for recurrent themes and core interests.
The Daily Search & or the Daily Grind
Many people organize their lives to such an extent that they begin to feel like robots after a while. While routines help us conserve energy, they also lead to boredom and disengagement.
As you complete your daily activities, ask yourself these important questions:
Finding Meaning at Work
As humans, we require a sense of belonging in the world – a place to make a contribution. For most, this comes through work, which is as much about spirit and passion as it is about salary.
Renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow defined the human “hierarchy of needs” on four main levels:
As our basic security needs for food, clothing and shelter are met, we are free to focus on fulfilling other needs. Depending on your personality and drive, you have opportunities to discover what motivates you and create your own sense of purpose on the job.
Meaning, purpose and passion are often hidden in the little tasks and events that make up each day. It’s up to us to pay attention, find our focus and spend our time on what matters most.
My purpose in my life is to help others find their calling in life.
As your coach I partner with you to discover what matters most to you.
I have a few spots available for July coaching. Call me right now.
Call me today (949) 721-5732 to schedule a 30 minutes consultation.